
ExPeerReal is the public environment devoted to the spontaneous aggregation of innovation pioneers around the principles of collective creation, experimentation and development of human-centered XR applications.

ExPeerReal is a collective of change generators fully inspired by the principles of open innovation.

The Manifesto is the fundamental paper of our members, it encompasses the ethical principles of innovation activism whose respect and engagement in sharing responsibilities has to be granted and referred to, as our actions are oriented to the achievement of societal goals.

1. ExPeerReal is a res publica

I am aware that EXPEEREAL is a public environment devoted to enhance human-centered innovations thus the actions I perform and the results I achieve are always oriented to realise the common good and enhance collective wellbeing. The individual gain concerns a juridical person called "business": the generation of spin-offs and the transfer of the results from the public domain to the market are encouraged activities and supported according to the principles of fair competition avoiding any potential market distortion.

2. Sharing is more than having

I am aware that EXPEEREAL is a network devoted to the development of human-centered disruptive innovations and the principle of co-creation is a key enabling factor. I therefore understand that the available contents, as well as the contents I share myself, contribute to an optimisation of resources able to generate economy of scale and may enable disruptive contamination among people and ideas, otherwise potentially hidden.

3. Innovation is open

I am aware that, according to open innovation principles, access is more important than ownership since the outcomes achieved within the network activities are made possible by the opportunity of accessing commonly shared resources. I therefore fully understand and support the distribution of contents under Creative Commons licenses. I am aware that the Intellectual Property Policy of the network is always devoted to ensure the highest societal impact.

4. Virtual is real

I am aware that each action I perform in the virtual environment is an action that I would perform in person: technology is a vehicle, impact is real. Since such actions may bare limited rather than disruptive impact I commit myself to take care that these actions are always oriented to the common good.

5. Change is core

EXPEEREAL aims to become a change and creativity generator in the field of design, creation and distribution of human-centered innovations through the provision of a collaborative and challenging environment.

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